
A modular Telegram Userbot running on Python3 with sqlalchemy database.




Click this button below to Deploy to Heroku

Deploy to Heroku

"Bare hands", using Git and Python3 -- on (Linux, macOS, and Android [via Termux])

  1. Clone this repository on your local machine and cd (or chdir, anti bloat guy) to it
  2. Set up Python virtual environment named "venv" inside it (Requires virtualenv installed on the system)
  • virtualenv venv
  • Don't forget to activate the virtualenv: . venv/bin/activate
  1. Set up database for the userbot, search Google on how to set up a local database (PostgreSQL is recommended)
  2. Install the requirements: pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
  3. Edit sample_config.env and save it as config.env
  • Do not forget to fill in the REQUIRED %% values, or else the bot will not run
  1. Run the bot: bash ./
  • Protip: See what bash ./ --help tells you


  1. Clone this repository on your local machine and cd (or chdir, anti bloat guy) to it
  2. Edit sample_config.env and save it as config.env
  • Set DATABASE_URL to postgresql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@db:5432/Cyber
  • You should set USERNAME and PASSWORD too in docker-compose.yml
  • Do not forget to fill in the REQUIRED %% values, or else the bot will not run
  1. Run docker: docker-compose up
