
What LedFx offers is the ability to take audio input, and instantaneously processes the audio into realtime light show to multiple LED strips/matrix. No need to spend hours on end to program one song to program your LEDs, as LedFx will do this all for you!

LedFx real-time LED strip music visualization effect controller using is a network based devices (ESP8266/ESP32/Raspberry Pi 4) with support for advanced real-time audio effects! LedFx can control multiple devices and works great with cheap ESP8266/ESP32 nodes allowing for cost effective synchronized effects across your entire house!


We are actively adding and perfecting the effects, but here is a quick demo of LedFx running three different effects synced across three different ESP8266 devices:


Quick start guide and documentation

Windows users can use the installer from the LedFx website: https://ledfx.app/download/

Mac and Linux are also supported, though currently do not have installers. For detailed installation instructions, see the installation documentation.

