PySDM is a package for simulating the dynamics of population of particles. It is intended to serve as a building block for simulation systems modelling fluid flows involving a dispersed phase, with PySDM being responsible for representation of the dispersed phase. Currently, the development is focused on atmospheric cloud physics applications, in particular on modelling the dynamics of particles immersed in moist air using the particle-based (a.k.a. super-droplet) approach to represent aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics. The package core is a Pythonic high-performance implementation of the Super-Droplet Method (SDM) Monte-Carlo algorithm for representing collisional growth (Shima et al. 2009), hence the name.

PySDM has two alternative parallel number-crunching backends available: multi-threaded CPU backend based on Numba and GPU-resident backend built on top of ThrustRTC. The Numba backend (aliased CPU) features multi-threaded parallelism for multi-core CPUs, it uses the just-in-time compilation technique based on the LLVM infrastructure. The ThrustRTC backend (aliased GPU) offers GPU-resident operation of PySDM leveraging the SIMT parallelisation model. Using the GPU backend requires nVidia hardware and CUDA driver.

For an overview paper on PySDM v1 (and the preferred item to cite if using PySDM), see Bartman et al. 2021 arXiv e-print (submitted to JOSS). For a list of talks and other materials on PySDM, see the project wiki.

A pdoc-generated documentation of PySDM public API is maintained at:


Dependencies and Installation

PySDM dependencies are: Numpy, Numba, SciPy, Pint, chempy, ThrustRTC and CURandRTC.

To install PySDM using pip, use: pip install git+

For development purposes, we suggest cloning the repository and installing it using pip -e. Test-time dependencies are listed in the test-time-requirements.txt file.

PySDM examples listed below are hosted in a separate repository and constitute the PySDM_examples package. The examples have additional dependencies listed in PySDM_examples package file. Running the examples requires the PySDM_examples package to be installed. Since the examples package includes Jupyter notebooks (and their execution requires write access), the suggested install and launch steps are:

git clone
cd PySDM-examples
pip install -e .
