TensorFlow Profiler

The profiler includes a suite of tools. These tools help you understand, debug and optimize TensorFlow programs to run on CPUs, GPUs and TPUs.


First time user? Come and check out this Colab Demo.


  • TensorFlow >= 2.2.0rc0
  • TensorBoard >= 2.2.0 (or tb-nightly)
  • tensorboard-plugin-profile >= 2.2.0rc0

To profile on the GPU, the following NVIDIA software must be installed on your system:

  1. NVIDIA GPU drivers and CUDA Toolkit:

    • CUDA 10.2 requires 440.33 (Linux) / 441.22 (Windows) and higher. (recommended)
    • CUDA 10.1 requires 418.x and higher.
  2. Ensure that CUPTI exists on the path.

    • Run ldconfig -p | grep libcupti

    • If you don't have CUPTI on the path, run:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/extras/CUPTI/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • Run the ldconfig command above again to verify that the CUPTI library
      is found

To profile multi-worker GPU configurations, profile individual workers

To profile cloud TPUs, you must have access to Google Cloud TPUs.

Quick Start

Install the profiler by downloading and running the install_and_run.py script from this directory.

$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/profiler.git profiler
$ mkdir profile_env
$ python3 profiler/install_and_run.py --envdir=profile_env --logdir=profiler/demo

Go to localhost:6006/#profile of your browser, you should now see the demo overview page show up.

Congratulations! You're now ready to capture a profile.

Next Steps

Known Issues

Multi-GPU Profiling does not work with CUDA 10.1. While CUDA 10.2 is not officially supported by TF, profiling on CUDA 10.2 is known to work on some configurations.
