


A code copied from google-research which named motion-imitation was rewrited with PyTorch. More details can get from this project.

GIthub Link:

Project Link:


For trainingļ¼š

python motion_imitation/ --mode train --motion_file 'dog_pace.txt|dog_spin.txt' /
--int_save_freq 10000000 --visualize --num_envs 50 --type_name 'dog_pace'
  • mode: train or test
  • motion_file: Chose which motion to imitate (ps: | is used to split different motion)
  • visualize: Whether rendering or not when training
  • num_envs: Number of environments calculated in parallel
  • type_name: Name of model file

For testing:

python motion_imitation/ --mode test --motion_file 'dog_pace.txt' --model_file 'model_file_path' --visualize
  • model_path: There’s a model parameters zip file, you just find out and copy it’s path.

Extra work

In this project, I donot use Gaussian distribution to fitting the encoder rather by using a mlp network with one hidden layer. The loss function is z(output of net)*advantages. And now I am testing the performance.


GitHub - newera-001/motor-system: A project copied from google-research which named motion-imitation was rewrited with PyTorch
A project copied from google-research which named motion-imitation was rewrited with PyTorch - GitHub - newera-001/motor-system: A project copied from google-research which named motion-imitation w...