Python GUIs for Humans


A PySimpleGUI Application

Resize your images quickly and easily with this GUI application. Resizes and encodes to Base64 so that the result can be pasted into your PySimpleGUI program for easy distribution of your applications without the need to distribute image files.



Old-school Straight Pip

pip install psgresizer

pip via python -m pip the python recommended way

If python is your command

python -m pip install psgresizer

If python3 is your command

python3 -m pip install psgresizer


Open a command window and type:


Create a Shortcut To This Program

If you’re a Windows user, then use the psgshortcut application to make a shortcut to this program so that you can then put on your desktop or pin to your taskbar (or any other use that stops the need to type psgresizer ever again).

To get psgshortcut, like all of the other psg application projects, pip install it. (e.g. pip install psgshortcut)

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open a command window (I promise, it’s the last time you’ll need to for this program)
  2. Type – where psgresizer
  3. Copy the line that where psgresizer gave you into the first input of the shortcut maker program
  4. Run psgresizer by typing psgresizer in your command window
  5. Right click and choose “File Location”
  6. Copy the file location results, but change the extension from .py to .ico and paste into the Icon file input of the shortcut maker
  7. Click “Create Shortcut”

This will create a shortcut in the same folder as the target file. You can safely move this shortcut file to any place you want (like to your desktop). Double-click the shortcut and your program should launch.


Licensed under an LGPL3 License
Copyright 2021

This PySimpleGUI Application Was Designed and Written By

The PySimpleGUI Project

This program originated from the PySimpleGUI Demo Programs. You’ll find it here:

Mike from


Like the PySimpleGUI project, this project is currently licensed under an open-source license, the project itself is structured like a proprietary product. Pull Requests are not accepted.


Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI


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