
A python-based static site generator for setting up a CV/Resume site

What does ezcv do?

ezcv is a purpose built static site generator for creating personal resume/portfolio/cv sites

Features & Roadmap

  • A large collection of built in themes
  • Flexible templating with Jinja2
  • Fully customizable configuration files and sections
  • Simple markdown syntax for content building

Why should I use ezcv?

ezcv is a great choice if:

  • You are fond of one of the built in themes
  • You want a free and open source static site generator
  • If you want a simple to use static site generator based on Jinja
  • If you are familiar with markdown and yaml, and want a system that can be extended
  • You are not familiar with static site generators and want a simple one to try out
  • You want a static site generator with a built in github pages deploy pipeline

ezcv is not a great choice if:

  • You want a widely used industry solution (something like hugo or jekyl would be better for this)
  • You need low level access to the API for complicated extensions that are not possible within jinja
  • You are not familiar with markdown, yaml and jinja and want a frontend to edit your site with ( netlify, squarespace or wix would be better for this)

Who is ezcv for?

  • People who are not necessarily familiar with coding, let alone web development
  • People who are familiar with web development and want a very simple to use static site generator
  • People who are familiar with web development but don't want to bother writing pure html for their site


Here's everything you need to know to get started with ezcv.

No-code/remote setup

Note that there is an option to develop a site completely on your browser without needing to install anything or know how to use git. For details on setting this up, please visit https://ezcv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick-start/#remote-editing.


To use ezcv you will need python 3.6+ (earlier versions wont work) and pip for python 3.

From PyPi

  1. Run pip install ezcv

From source

  1. Clone this repo: https://github.com/Descent098/ezcv
  2. Run pip install . or sudo pip3 install .in the root directory

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is by running:

ezcv init <name>

Replacing the <name> argument with your name (use "" if you want to use your full name i.e. ezcv init "Kieran Wood").

File structure

When you run the command a new folder will be created with your name, and some starter files like this:


Icon Meaning
? File Folder
? Image file
? File you should edit/delete
? File you don't need to edit/shouldn't delete
├── ?.github/
│   └── ?workflows/
│       └── ?ezcv-publish.yml
├── ?content/
│   ├── ?education/
│   |   ├── ?example-current.md
│   |   └── ?example-old.md
│   ├── ?projects/
│   |   └── ?example.md
│   ├── ?volunteering_experience/
│   |   ├── ?example-current.md
│   |   └── ?example-old.md
│   └── ?volunteering_experience/
│       ├── ?example-current.md
│       └── ?example-old.md
├── ?images/
│   ├── ? abstract-landscape.jpg
│   └── ? ice-caps.jpg
├── ?.gitignore
└── ?config.yml

From here you can go into your config.yml file and pick a theme, then start filling out your content according to what's available for the theme.

To preview your content use:

ezcv -p

If you're on github then pushing the contents to master/main will activate the publish workflow and automatically publish the site to <username>.github.io.


    ezcv [-h] [-v] [-p]
    ezcv init [<name>] [<theme>]
    ezcv build [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-p]
    ezcv theme [-l] [-c] [-s SECTION_NAME] [<theme>]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         show program's version number and exit
-l, --list            list the possible themes
-c, --copy            copy the provided theme, or defined site theme
-p, --preview         preview the current state of the site
-d OUTPUT_DIR, --dir OUTPUT_DIR The folder name to export the site to
-s SECTION_NAME, --section SECTION_NAME The section name to initialize

See the CLI Documentation for additional details

