
ML-Ensemble combines a Scikit-learn high-level API with a low-level computational graph framework to build memory efficient, maximally parallelized ensemble networks in as few lines of codes as possible.

ML-Ensemble is thread safe as long as base learners are and can fall back on memory mapped multiprocessing for memory-neutral process-based concurrency. For tutorials and full documentation, visit the project website.

Ensembles as computational graphs

An ensemble is built on top of a computational graph,
allowing users great design freedom. Ensembles can be built with recursion,
dynamic evaluation (e.g. if-else) and much more. A high-level API wraps common
ensemble architectures into Scikit-learn estimators.


Example computational graph of a layer in an ensemble

Memory efficient parallelized learning

ML-Ensemble is optimized for speed and minimal memory consumption. No
serialization of data takes place, regardless of whether multithreading or
multiprocessing is used. Additionally, multithreading is pickle-free.

Easy of use

Ready-made ensembles are built by adding layers to an instance. No matter how
complex the ensemble, to train it call the fit method:

ensemble = Subsemble()

# First layer

# Second layer

# Final meta estimator

# Train ensemble, y)

Similarly, it's straightforward to modify an existing ensemble:

# Remove layer

# Change layer parameters
ensemble.replace(0, new_list_of_estimators)

And to create differentiated preprocessing pipelines for different subsets
of estimators within a given layer, simple pass a mapping to the add

preprocessing = {'pipeline-1': list_of_transformers_1,
                 'pipeline-2': list_of_transformers_2}

estimators = {'pipeline-1': list_of_estimators_1,
              'pipeline-2': list_of_estimators_2}

ensemble.add(estimators, preprocessing)

Dedicated diagnostics

ML Ensemble implements a dedicated diagnostics and model selection suite
for intuitive and speedy ensemble evaluation. The Evaluator
allows you to evaluate several preprocessing pipelines and several
estimators in one go, giving you birds-eye view of how different candidates
for the ensemble perform.

Moreover, entire ensembles can be used as a preprocessing pipeline, to
leverage model selection for higher-level layers. Simply set model_selection
to True in the ensemble (don't forget to turn it off when done).

preprocessing_dict = {'pipeline-1': list_of_transformers_1,
                      'pipeline-2': list_of_transformers_2}

evaluator = Evaluator(scorer=score_func), y, list_of_estimators, param_dists_dict, preprocessing_dict)

All ensembles and model selection instances provides summary statistics in
tabular format. You can find fit and prediction times in any ensemble by calling
data, and cv-scores if you passed a scorer. For the model selection suite,
the results attribute gives you the outcome of an evaluation::

              fit_time_mean  fit_time_std  train_score_mean  train_score_std  test_score_mean  test_score_std               params
prep-1 est-1       0.001353      0.001316          0.957037         0.005543         0.960000        0.032660                   {}
       est-2       0.000447      0.000012          0.980000         0.004743         0.966667        0.033333  {'n_neighbors': 15}
prep-2 est-1       0.001000      0.000603          0.957037         0.005543         0.960000        0.032660                   {}
       est-2       0.000448      0.000036          0.965185         0.003395         0.960000        0.044222   {'n_neighbors': 8}
prep-3 est-1       0.000735      0.000248          0.791111         0.019821         0.780000        0.133500                   {}
       est-2       0.000462      0.000143          0.837037         0.014815         0.800000        0.126491   {'n_neighbors': 9}



ML-Ensemble is available on PyPI. Install with

pip install mlens

Bleeding edge

Fork the GitHub repository:

git clone; cd mlens;
python install


For scientific publication, ML-Ensemble can be cited as

  author = {Flennerhag, Sebastian},
  title  = {ML-Ensemble},
  month  = nov,
  year   = 2017,
  doi    = {10.5281/zenodo.1042144},
  url    = {}
