
This project (version 0.1.0a3) is a Python port of ebook-tools which is written in Shell by na--. The Python script is a collection of tools for automated and semi-automated organization and management of large ebook collections. makes use of the following modules:

  • edits a configuration file which can either be the main config file that contains all the options defined below or the logging config file.
  • converts the supplied file to a text file. It can optionally also use OCR for .pdf, .djvu and image files.
  • splits the supplied ebook files (and the accompanying metadata files if present) into folders with consecutive names that each contain the specified number of files.


  1. It is highly recommended to install the package py_ebooktools in a virtual environment using for example venv or conda.

  2. Make sure to update pip:

    $ pip install --upgrade pip
  3. Install the package py_ebooktools (bleeding-edge version) with pip:

    $ pip install git+

![warning]( =20x20)

Make sure that pip is working with the correct Python version. It might be the case that pip is using Python 2.x You can find what Python version pip uses with the following:

$ pip -V

If pip is working with the wrong Python version, then try to use pip3 which works with Python 3.x

Test installation

  1. Test your installation by importing py_ebooktools and printing its version:

    $ python -c "import py_ebooktools; print(py_ebooktools.__version__)"
  2. You can also test that you have access to the script by showing the program's version:

    $ ebooktools --version
