
A robust and versatile solution for automated social interactions through Python.


  1. Open cmd.
  2. cd into your project directory.
  3. Run the following commands below to make a subtree.
cd C:/PathToMyProject

git remote add -f Discord-AutoMessage https://github.com/NathanRLiu/Discord-AutoMessage

git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories Discord-AutoMessage/main

git read-tree --prefix=discAutoMsg/ -u Discord-AutoMessage/main

git commit -m "Merge Discord-AutoMessage as a subdirectory"
  1. Run $ git pull -s subtree Discord-AutoMessage main to pull new changes
  2. *Make sure you move creds.py from Discord-AutoMessage to your main project directory(PathToMyProject)

You can import from a python file within PathToMyProject by using import discAutoMsg.discord_automessage as discAutoMsg .

Other Installation Method

  1. Download the ZIP from the GitHub Repository.
  2. Extract the ZIP.
  3. Move the files to the same directory as your project.


  1. Make sure you put your email and password in the config.py folder, and double check the code you have downloaded because you don't want your sensitive data leaked
  2. You can now import the functions of the module by simply calling
    import discord-automessage
  3. After importing the module, you can now reference its functions by calling discord-automessage.functionName, for example:
    discord-automessage.sendMessage(channelID,"Hello World!")

All Functions

sendMessage(daChannelID, daMessage)

  • daChannelID is a string which is passed as the ID of the channel.
  • daMessage is a string which is passed as the content of the message.

sendReply(daChannelID, daMessage, msgToReply)

  • daChannelID is a string or int which is passed as the ID of the channel.
  • daMessage is a string which is passed as the content of the message.
  • msgToReply is a string or int which is the messageID of the message to reply to

getMessages(daChannelID, daRange)

  • daChannelID is a string which is passed as the ID of the channel.
  • daRange is an int which denotes how many messages you want returned.

