
A script that convert WiiU BotW mods to Switch. It uses every resource I could find under the sun that allows for conversion, with some modifications to accomodate for the central script. Thanks to HGStone and Törphedo for creating the bat script, and HGStone for testing as well. ONLY converter.py IS COMPLETELY MADE BY ME, THE ORIGINAL AUTHORS STILL DESERVE ALL THE CREDIT FOR THEIR WORK.


  • Python 3.7 or 3.8 (If on Windows, you must check Add Python to PATH during installation)
  • A legal, unpacked dump of BoTW Switch (1.6.0)
  • BCML
  • leoetlino’s sarc tool

The last two can be obtained through Python’s pip, using pip install bcml for BCML, and pip install sarc for leoetlino’s tool. Important: BCML must be set up and put in Switch mode, or the script won’t work. Also, this script doesn’t modify files inside any .pack, so you’ll have to manually port those yourself.


Linux: Open a Terminal window in the script’s folder, and run the script with either python converter.py "mod" or convert.sh "mod", replacing mod by your BNP mod/mods, or path/to/folder/with/bnps/*.bnp to convert every BNP in a folder. Windows Drag and drop your BNP into the included bat file

Added supported formats

BCML converter is still limited, so using other tools to convert those is our only option for now. With this script, I’ve added this formats to the supported list:

  • .bars
  • .bfstm
  • .sbfres (animations are untested, but I’m guessing there would be some problems)
  • .sbitemico
  • .hkcl
  • instSizes in ActorInfo.product.sbyml

It’s worth considering that I’m still new to Python, so any feedback is appreciated!


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