AI Dynamic Text Reader:

This is a simple dynamic text reader based on Artificial intelligence which made with Python. It’s able to change the text size depending on face and camera distance.


Watch the Outcome.

What Have I Done:

I’ve made this dynamic text reader using Python. I’ve used OpenCV, MediaPipe, Math, NumPy and Copy module for made this program.

OpenCV is a library used for computer vision applications. With help of OpenCV, we can build an enormous number of applications that work better in real-time. Mainly it’s used for image and video processing.

MediaPipe is a framework mainly used for building audio, video, or any time series data. With the help of the MediaPipe framework, we can build very impressive pipelines for different media processing functions.

Math is a built-in module that we can use for mathematical tasks.

NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.

Copy Module is a set of functions that are related to copying different elements of a list, objects, arrays, etc. It can be used to create shallow copies as well as deep copies.

Required Packages:

  • opencv-python
  • mediapipe
  • math
  • numpy
  • copy


  • First of all you need to install all required packages.
  • Then run the file.
  • You’re done! Enjoy the dynamic text reader.


Watch the step by step Tutorial.

Got a Question?

What to know more about my working process? Have an exciting project that could use my help? Drop me a line and I’ll try my best to get back to you!

If you have any questions that are bothering you please contact with me. If you think any line is redundant or can be removed to make the program better then you can obviously ask me or make a pull request. All of my contact links are given in my GitHub Profile.


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