
An simple library for temporary storage of small files.


TemporaryStorage is not a platform for:

  • Piracy
  • Pornography and cruelty content
  • Malware
  • Storing personal information
  • Anything illegal under Russian law

Using TemporaryStorage, you agree to the terms of all listed resources.


$ python -m pip install TemporaryStorage


In Python console:

from TemporaryStorage import TemporaryStorageInstance storage = TemporaryStorageInstance() storage.upload('/path/to/file')

>>> https://path/to/uploaded/file

As a standalone application:

$ python -m TemporaryStorage

List of supported providers

Full list of all currently supported providers:

You can help the project by adding support for new providers by contributing on GitHub.

GitHub - ulbwazhine/TemporaryStorage at pythonawesome.com
A simple library for temporary storage of small files. - GitHub - ulbwazhine/TemporaryStorage at pythonawesome.com