
A simple module to get a client’s IP address when behind a CloudFlare proxy.


You can install this module using PIP. Currently, we have not published
this to PyPi, and have no plans to in the future.

pip install git+

Side note: In order to run the test script, you will need to install Flask.


This middleware has only been tested using Flask version 1.0.1, though, most versions
should work because this middleware is rather simple.

Below is an example using Flask:

Continue with your Flask application below. You should

now see the real client IP in flask.request.request_addr

when a client requests your site.

">from flask import Flask from cloudflare_wsgi import CloudFlareMiddleware app = Flask(__name__) app.wsgi_app = CloudFlareMiddleware(app.wsgi_app) # Continue with your Flask application below. You should # now see the real client IP in flask.request.request_addr # when a client requests your site.



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