

A simple Python script to create Anki cards for Japanese words from Kindle’s Vocab-Builder using Yomichan dictionaries


  • The script generates a Word, Reading, Definition, Sentence, Audio Anki card with definitions from how many Yomichan dictionaries you want and audio from JapanesePod
  • You can specify which book you want to generate cards from and set a limit to how many cards the script will create
  • You can specify the maximum frequency rank for the created cards, the script will ignore any words with a rank inferior to that
  • The script will only try to create a card for a specific word once, if you delete a faulty card it will not be created again on the next run. As you run the script more times the amount of faulty cards is expected to diminish
  • The script uses your existing anki templates, you can customize the cards look however you want



This script requires you to have Kindle’s Vocab-Builder(単語帳) active


SudachiPy pip install SudachiDict-full

This script utilizes Yomichan dictionaries and ranked frequency lists

The script is not compatible with multiple-frequency frequency lists, please use one with only 1 frequency per word


  • Download the latest release
  • Extract the file


This script uses AnkiConnect, make sure you have Anki running before you run the script

  • plug your kindle into your computer and grab the vocab.db file manually from your kindle’s system folder system/vocabulary/vocab.db, or by searching for “vocab.db”, and paste it in the same folder as the file
  • Run the script

First run setup

  • You’ll have to install your dictionaries and frequency lists, make sure you have all of them in the same folder as the file
  • The script is not compatible with multiple-frequency frequency lists, please use one with only 1 frequency per word
  • Be careful when entering your deck and card info, any mistypes will result in the script not working properly

You will only have to inform this once, on the next run you’ll not be asked for the same info again

  • Choose the book you want to mine from
  • Choose how many cards you want the script to generate, it doesn’t account for the duplicates so the actual number of generated cards probably is lower
  • Wait for it to finish and when asked enter “OK” to close the script

Note that:

  • The script will only create cards for japanese words
  • The script will not generate duplicate cards
  • The cards are generated automatically, flaws are expected(even more with kindle’s shitty text parser)
  • The script will only try to create a card for a specific word once, if you delete a faulty card it will not be created again on the next run. As you run the script more times the amount of faulty cards is expected to diminish


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