
The Python SE Dopp Kit is a social engineering toolkit with many purposes. It contains 5 different modules designed to be of assistance in different scenarios. For example, there is a section dedicated to annoyance which will help you annoy your target by sms, call, or email bombing them. There's also the recon module which would help gather more information about a target.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Change directories into the newly created directory
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. python3

Module & Tool List

  • Annoyance module
    • SMS bomber - Send multiple texts to annoy a target phone number
    • Email bomber - Send multiple emails to annoy target email
    • Call bomber - Send multiple phone calls to annoy a target phone number
  • Phishing Tools
    • Dead code scraper - Scrape code to insert into malware to hinder analysis
    • Dead comment scraper - Scrape data from foreign websites to insert into malware as comments to hinder attribution
    • Critical news search - Search foreign/local news in order to create phishing lures
    • SMS sender - send phishing sms messages
    • Email sender - send phishing emails
    • Template injector - inject macro-enabled template into a .docx to enable macros with a .docx file
  • Recon Tools
    • Critical news search - Search foreign/local news in order to create phishing lures
    • License plate - Gather data about a target's vehicle based on a license plate (only available for USA currently)
    • Username search - Search multiple platforms for the same username
    • Business keyword search - Search for potential targets
    • IP address info - Gather information based on an IP address
    • County email finder - Find emails of county employees
    • Government employee salary records - Search salary records of government employees
    • Venmo transactions - Gather data from a target's recent Venmo transactions
    • Phone number validator - Gather information based on a target's phone number
    • Find SSID location - If you have an SSID, find the location of it
    • Search for SSIDs - Search for any SSIDs
    • Wordpress scanner - Check if a WordPress site is misconfigured
  • Misc Tools
    • Email validator - Check whether or not an email is valid
    • Exploit search - Search for available exploits for a certain software & version
    • Password generator - Generate a password
    • Temporary SMS - Receive SMS messages to a temporary phone number
  • Exploitation Tools
    • CSRF exploit generator - Generate a CSRF exploit
    • Reverse shell generator - Generate a reverse shell payload
    • XSS payload list - List of XSS payloads
    • Exploit search - Search for available exploits for a certain software & version
