
Easy-ERA5-Trck is a super lightweight Lagrangian model for calculating thousands (even millions) of trajectories simultaneously and efficiently using ERA5 data sets. It can implement super simplified equations of 3-D motion to accelerate integration, and use python multiprocessing to parallelize the integration tasks. Due to its simplification and parallelization, Easy-ERA5-Trck performs great speed in tracing massive air parcels, which makes areawide tracing possible.

Another version using WRF output to drive the model can be found here.

Caution: Trajectory calculation is based on the nearest-neighbor interpolation and first-guess velocity for super efficiency. Accurate calculation algorithm can be found on http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00110.1, or use a professional and complicated model e.g. NOAA HYSPLIT instead.

Any question, please contact Zhenning LI ([email protected])


Tibetan Plateau Air Source Tracers


Tibetan Plateau Air Source Tracers (3D)



If you wish to run easy-era5-trck using grib2 data, Please first install ecCodes.

Please instal python3 using Anaconda3 distribution. Anaconda3 with python3.8 has been fully tested, lower version of python3 may also work (without testing).

Now, we recommend to create a new environment in Anaconda and install the requirements.txt:

conda create -n test_era5trck python=3.8
conda activate test_era5trck
pip install -r requirements.txt

If everything goes smoothly, first cd to the repo root path, and run config.py:

python3 config.py

This will convey fundamental configure parameters to ./conf/config_sys.ini.


test case

When you install the package ready. You may want to first try the test case. config.ini has been set for testcase, which is a very simple run

setup your case

Congratulation! After successfully run the toy case, of course, now you are eager to setup your own case.
First, build your own case directory, for example, in the repo root dir:

mkdir mycase

Now please make sure you have configured ECMWF CDS API correctly, both in your shell environment and python interface.

Next, set [DOWNLOAD] section in config.ini to fit your demanded period, levels, and region for downloading.

start_ymd = 20151220
end_ymd = 20160101
pres=[700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 925, 950, 975, 1000]

# eara: [North, West, South, East]
area=[-10, 0, -90, 360]
# data frame frequency: recommend 1, 2, 3, 6. 
# lower frequency will download faster but less accurate in tracing

Here we hope to download 1000-700hPa data, from 20151220 to 20160101, 3-hr temporal frequency UVW data from ERA5 CDS.

./utlis/getERA5-UVW.py will help you download the ERA5 reanalysis data for your case, in daily file with freq_hr temporal frequency.

cd utils
python3 getERA5-UVW.py

When downloading the demanded data, you may want to determine the destinations or initial points of your targeted air parcels.
./input/input.csv: This file is the default file prescribing the air parcels for trajectory simulation. The format of this file:

airp_id, init_lat, init_lon, init_h0 (hPa)

Alternatively, you can assign by input_parcel_file in config.ini.

plese set other sections in config.ini accordingly.

Input Files


For forward trajectory, the init_{lat|lon|h0} denote initial positions; while for backward trajectory, they indicate ending positions.


./conf/config.ini: Configure file for the model. You may set ERA5 input file, input frequency, integration time steps, and other settings in this file.

Module Files


./run.py: Main script to run the Easy-ERA5-Trck.


./core/lagrange.py: Core module for calculating the air parcels Lagrangian trajectories.


./lib/air_parcel.py: Module file containing definition of air parcel class and related methods such as march and output.


./lib/cfgparser.py: Module file containing read/write method of the config.ini


./lib/preprocess_era5inp.py: Module file that defines the field_hdl class, which contains useful fields data (U, V, W...) and related method, including ERA5 grib file IO operations.

Output Files

You could choose output files as plain ascii csv format or netCDF format (Recommended). netCDF format output metadata looks like:

netcdf meiyu.ynl.I19980610000000.E19980605000000 {
    time = 121 ;
    parcel_id = 413 ;
    double xlat(time, parcel_id) ;
        xlat:_FillValue = NaN ;
    double xlon(time, parcel_id) ;
        xlon:_FillValue = NaN ;
    double xh(time, parcel_id) ;
        xh:_FillValue = NaN ;
    int64 time(time) ;
        time:units = "hours since 1998-06-10 00:00:00" ;
        time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
    int64 parcel_id(parcel_id) ;

