
pmapper is a super-resolution and deconvolution toolkit for python 3.6+. PMAP stands for Poisson Maximum A-Posteriori, a highly flexible and adaptable algorithm for these problems. An implementation of the contemporary Richardson-Lucy algorithm is included for comparison.

The name of this repository is an homage to MTF-Mapper, a slanted edge MTF measurement program written by Frans van den Bergh.

The implementations of all algorithms in this repository are CPU/GPU agnostic and performant, able to perform 4K restoration at hundreds of iterations per second.


Basic PMAP, Multi-frame PMAP

<div class="highlight highlight-source-python position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="import pmapper

img = … # load an image somehow
psf = … # acquire the PSF associated with the img
pmp = pmapper.PMAP(img, psf) # " pmap problem" while pmp.iter

import pmapper

img = ... # load an image somehow
psf = ... # acquire the PSF associated with the img
pmp = pmapper.PMAP(img, psf)  # "PMAP problem"
while pmp.iter < 100:  # number of iterations
    fHat = pmp.step()  # fHat is the object estimate