
This tool was created in order to automate some basic OSINT tasks for penetration testing assingments. The main feature that I haven't seen much anywhere is the downloadd google dork function where this function first perform basic google dorking to find the targets public documents. These documents will then be downloaded to the attackers computer and can be used further to identify metadata about the client.


  • Create virtual enviroment: python3 -m venv enumit
  • Activate the virtual enviroment: source enumit/bin/activate
  • Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic Usage

Google Dorking

Download the files found

python3 run.py --domain example.com --google --filetypes pdf --download-files

Create json list, no download

python3 run.py --domain example.com --google --filetypes pdf docx jpg


This function will query https://crt.sh for the domain name, and create a de-duplicated list for further proccessing.

python3 run.py --domain example.com --cert


Perform dns lookup on the domain flag, can be used with the flag --cert to find DNS records of subdomains.

python3 run.py --domain example.com --dns --dns-records A AAAA MX NS


In order to use the shodan function, you must have the shodan and api key flag enabled.

python3 run.py --domain example.com --shodan --shodan-api-key <KEY>


This function will take all the ipv4 addresses previsuly found and perform a shodan lookup on them to find open ports. by default, it will only scan the IPv4 address resolved by the --domain flag. This flag is recomended if you've used the other functions with it.

python3 run.py --domain example.com --shodan --shodan-api-key <KEY> --portscan


python3 run.py --domain example.com --cert --dns --dns-types A AAAA NS MX --shodan --shodan-api-key <KEY> --portscan --ssl


  • When you perform a scan, the result will be saved under .<example.com>\ in the folder.
  • You might be ratelimited by google if you use the function heavly.
  • Using the portscan function will not quaranty that all ports has been scanned on the host, but will rather give a indication on what to expect on the hosts.
GitHub - 0xtobu/enumit: This tool was created in order to automate some basic OSINT tasks for penetration testing assingments. The main feature that I haven’t seen much anywhere is the downloadd google dork function where this function first perform basic google dorking to find the targets public documents. These documents will then be downloaded to the attackers computer and can be used further to identify metadata about the client.
This tool was created in order to automate some basic OSINT tasks for penetration testing assingments. The main feature that I haven&#39;t seen much anywhere is the downloadd google dork function w...