Word Bot for JKLM Bomb Party

A bot for Bomb Party on https://www.jklm.fun (Only English)


  • pynput
  • pyperclip
  • pyautogui


  • Step 1: Run the code.
  • Step 2: Go to the game window and as soon as the game starts, place your mouse over the syllable and press F8.
  • Step 3: When it is your turn, press F4.


  • F8 – Set the position at which the mouse will move to copy the syllable.
  • F4 – Copy the syllable, search for words and write it in the writing field.


# Set this to True for long words (Not recommended if you want to look a little bit legit.).
long_words = True/False
# Set this to True for instant typing (Not recommended if you want to look a little bit legit.)
instant_typing = True/False

Bot Demonstrations

Bot with long_words and instant_typing set to False:

Alt Text

Bot with long_words and instant_typing set to True:

Alt Text

Enjoy the bot!


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