
Zsh Codex

AI in the command line.

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You just need to write a comment or variable name and the AI will write the corresponding code.

What is it?

This is a ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI’s powerful Codex AI in the command line. OpenAI Codex is the AI that also powers GitHub Copilot. To use this plugin you need to get access to OpenAI’s .

How do I install it?

  1. Download the ZSH plugin.

    $ git clone https://github.com/tom-doerr/zsh_codex.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/ 
  1. Add the following to your .zshrc file.

    bindkey '^X' create_completion
  1. Create a file called openaiapirc in ~/.config with your ORGANIZATION_ID and SECRET_KEY.

organization_id = ...
secret_key = ...
  1. Run zsh, start typing and complete it using ^X!


GitHub - tom-doerr/zsh_codex
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