PyLHC Tools

This package is a collection of useful scripts and tools for the Optics Measurements and Corrections group (OMC) at CERN.


Getting Started

This package is Python 3.7+ compatible, and can be installed through pip:

pip install pylhc

One can also install from VCS:

git clone
pip install /path/to/PyLHC

Or simply from the online master branch, which is stable:

pip install git+

After installing, scripts can be run with either python -m pylhc.SCRIPT --FLAG ARGUMENT or by calling the .py files directly.

Note: some scripts access functionality only available on the CERN Technical Network.
To use those, you should make sure to install the relevant extra dependencies with pip install path/to/Pylhc[cern].


This package provides tools for particle accelerator data analysis, simulations management and machine information extraction; complementing the optics measurement analysis tools of the omc3 package.


  • Forced DA Analysis - Script to analyse forced DA. (
  • Machine Settings Info - Prints an overview over the machine settings at a given time. (
  • BSRT Logger and BSRT Analysis - Saves data coming straight from LHC BSRT FESA class and allows subsequent analysis. ( & )
  • BPM Calibration Factors - Compute the BPM calibration factors using ballistic optics. Two methods are available: using the beta function and using the dispersion. (

Quality checks

  • Unit and accuracy tests are run automatically through CI Github Actions. See our workflows in this readme.
  • Additional checks for code-complexity, design-rules, test-coverage and duplication are made through CodeClimate.
  • Pull requests implementing functionality or fixes are merged into the master branch after passing CI, and getting a reviewer's approval.


See the CHANGELOG file.

Hints for Developers

In case you want to contribute to PyLHC's development, you should install it in editable mode:

git clone
pip install --editable PyLHC

You can install extra dependencies (as defined in suited to your use case with the following commands:

pip install --editable PyLHC[cern]
pip install --editable PyLHC[test]
pip install --editable PyLHC[test,doc]
pip install --editable PyLHC[all]

Open an issue, make your changes in a branch and submit a pull request.


  • pyLHC/OMC-Team - Working Group - pyLHC


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
