Adversarial Robustness with Non-uniform Perturbations

This repository hosts the code to replicate experiments of the paper Adversarial Robustness with Non-uniform Perturbations for malware use-case.


Please first refer to and follow the instructions to download 2018 version of EMBER dataset and install ember package.

After installing ember, use pip to install the required packages for this project:

pip install -r requirements.txt


This file contains the following functions:

  • get_clean_data(data_dir) returns train and test sets of vectorized EMBER dataset features

  • get_adversarial_examples(data_dir, num_features, attack_name="GreedyNN") returns adversarial example set which is
    crafted by the specified problem space attack, e.g., Greedy attack (GreedyNN).

  • omega(num_features, perturbation_constraint="Uniform") computes the matrix Omega which is used in l2 PGD algorithm
    as a coefficient of delta perturbation constraint. Constraint type can be selected as "Uniform", "Pearson",
    "SHAP","Masked","Mahalanobis" and "Mahalanobis benign".

  • pgd_l2(model, X, y, config) returns delta perturbations to be added to training data during adversarial training.
    l2 PGD algorithm is applied according to the given configurations which contain omega matrix of previously selected

  • get_trained_model returns adversarially trained model with l2 PGD algorithm and prints test performance on clean
    data and adversarial examples


Contains a demo of adversarial training a model with specified perturbation constraints. Clean accuracy on test set and
defense success on adversarial examples are tested.


Contains necessary data for Omega matrix calculation such as Pearson correlation coefficients, Shapley values,
covariance matrix of the training set to calculate Mahalanobis distance and covariance matrix of only benign class for
Mahalanobis benign.


Contains the adversarial example sets generated by the winner attacks of malware evasion competition 2019.


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