
This repository hosts the IoTVAS connector app for Qualys Cloud Platform. It enables Qualys users to:

  • accurately identify IoT/connected devices and their vulnerabilities in the firmware code level
  • track and manage discontinued, outdated and vulnerable devices from within the Qualys platform

For more infromation on this application, please visit this blog post.


Clone the repository content to a local folder and issue the following commands:

python3 -mvenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


The following parameters should be set in the file before using the application:

  1. Url to your Qualys Cloud Platform instance (qualys_api_base)
  2. Username and password of your Qualys account that has permission to call asset management API (qualys_username, qualys_password)
  3. Your IoTVAS Enterprise plan API key (iotvas_apikey). Trial keys can be obtained from here


This application accepts a target list file and optional excluded addresses file. Both files can contain hostname, individual IP addresses or IP address ranges in CIDR notation.

(env) python -t targets.txt

IoTVAS augments an PLC device in Qualys

The following video shows usage of this application:

IoTVAS & Qualys Integration Demo
