
VoxelBotUtils (VBU) is an extension for Discord.py to speed up Discord bot development. It includes a whole slew of features that are commonly used in a lot of bots so you don't need to keep writing them every time. Many features are available to you by default:

  • Interaction handling, such as slash commands and buttons.
  • Built-in error handling for all of Discord.py's errors.
  • Built-in PostgreSQL database connector.
  • Logging using Python's logging.Logger classes.
  • Webhook sends on different events.
  • Bot stats posting via StatsD and DataDog.
  • A help command that doesn't look like trash.
  • Owner-only commands.
  • Presence auto-updating based on Twitch streamers.
  • Inbuilt prefix command.
  • Website utilities.
  • And more...

Basic Usage

  • Install VBU via pip - pip install voxelbotutils.
  • Create your config file via CMD - vbu create-config bot.
  • Update your auto-generated config file in config/config.toml.
  • (Optional) Add/change any cogs you wish inside of the cogs/ folder.
  • Run your bot - vbu run-bot.


Documentation for the package and its usage can be found here.


The package is available via PyPi - pip install voxelbotutils. The tags on this repo can be used to keep up-to-date with different releases. The master branch is not guaranteed to be fully working, whereas PyPi releases are.


GitHub - Voxel-Fox-Ltd/VoxelBotUtils: An extension of the Discord.py library to improve the bot development process.
An extension of the Discord.py library to improve the bot development process. - GitHub - Voxel-Fox-Ltd/VoxelBotUtils: An extension of the Discord.py library to improve the bot development process.