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An extension to add support of Plugin in Flask.


  1. Define plugin routes in the same way as Application, Blueprint, while providing all the Flask features (Template rendering, url_for, message flashing, signals, etc.)
  2. Each plugin can be started, stopped, reloaded while Flask is running.
  3. Configured with Flask, no need to configure separately.
  4. Auto-discovery and management for plugins.


Download from git repo and install:

git clone https://github.com/guiqiqi/flask-plugin
python3 flask-plugin/setup.py install

Or download Wheel package from releases and install using pip:

pip install flask_plugin-{{ VERSION }}-py3-none-any.whl

which {{ VERSION }} is release version.

Quick Start

  1. Entering the example directory, you will find the following directory structure, the plugin hello inside plugins directory:

    ├── app.py
    └── plugins
        └── hello
            ├── __init__.py
            ├── static
            │   └── test.txt
            └── templates
                └── index.html
  2. The plugin manager is loaded in the app.py file, and the hello plugin is started:

    from flask import Flask
    from flask_plugin import PluginManager
    app = Flask(__name__)
    manager = PluginManager(app)
    plugin = manager.find(id_='347336b4fcdd447985aec57f2bc5793c')
    if plugin:
    # API Management code here
  3. Instantiated the Plugin in SayHello/__init__.py and define the route as you did in Flask:

    from flask_plugin import Plugin
    from flask import redirect, url_for
    plugin = Plugin(
     id_ = '347336b4fcdd447985aec57f2bc5793c', 
     domain='hello', name='Greeting',
    # Other routes defined here
    @plugin.route('/', methods=['GET'])
    def index():
        return render_template('index.html', name='Anonymous')
  4. Accessing /plugins/hello/ and see the greeting:

    Hello Anonymous!

    Stop the plugin with accessing /api/stop/347336b4fcdd447985aec57f2bc5793c, check url above again, and get a HTTP 404 error.

Complete documentation is now developing.


This project is based on many open source projects of the Pallets group, and I would like to express my thanks here.

Also thanks to my family and friends.


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