Eclipse zenoh Python API

Eclipse zenoh is an extremely efficient and fault-tolerant Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol that is able to scale down to extremely constrainded devices and networks.

How to install it

The Eclipse zenoh-python library is available on
Install the latest available version using pip:

pip install eclipse-zenoh

![warning]( =20x20)WARNING![warning]( =20x20) zenoh-python is developped in Rust. On we provide binary wheels for the most common platforms (MacOS, Linux x86). But also a source distribution package for other platforms.
However, for pip to be able to build this source distribution, there some prerequisites:

  • pip version 19.3.1 minimum (for full support of PEP 517).
    (if necessary upgrade it with command: 'sudo pip install --upgrade pip' )
  • Have a Rust toolchain installed (instructions at

Supported Python versions and platforms

zenoh-python has been tested with Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

It relies on the zenoh Rust API which require the full std library. See the list Rust supported platforms here: .

Currently only the following platforms have been tested:

  • Linux
  • MacOS X

How to build it


  • Python >= 3.5

  • A virtual environement such as venv, miniconda or Conda

  • Rust and Cargo. Then install the nighlty toolchain running:

    rustup toolchain install nightly
  • maturin. Install it with:

    pip install maturin


  • Make sure your shell is running in a Python virtual environment.

  • Build zenoh-python using maturin

    cd zenoh-python
    maturin develop --release

Maturin will automatically build the zenoh Rust API, as well as the zenoh-python API and install it in your Python virtual environement.
