
An interactive pygame implementation of quadtree spatial quantization



Clone the repo and navigate into it.

git clone https://github.com/ethanavatar/QuadTree-py.git
cd QuadTree-py/

Install pygame if you don’t have it already,

python -m pip install pygame


Run the main module using:

python main.py

You can use:

  • ESCAPE to clear the current board
  • R to create a new random board
  • LEFT MOUSE to add or remove cells

By default, the window is 1200×1200 pixels, the game board is 200×200 cells, and it runs at 60fps. These constants are stored at the top of the locals.py file if you feel like changing them.

Running Example

API Reference

class Point(x : int, y : int)

  • x : X-position
  • y : Y-position

class Rect( x : int, y : int, w : int, h : int)

  • x : X-position
  • y : Y-position
  • w : Width
  • h : Height

class Quad(boundary : Rect, capacity : int)

  • boundary : A Rect representing the size of the initial quad

  • capacity : The number of points allowed in a quad before it subdivides

  • subdivide() -> None
    Splits the quad into four equally sized quadrants

  • insert(point : Point) -> bool

    Tries to insert a point into the quad. If it doesnt exist within its boundary or its at capacity, it subdivides and calls insert recursively to the newly made quads.

    • point : The Point to insert.
  • query(rect : Rect) - list

    Returns a list of Points that are within the given Rect.

    • rect : A Rect representing the space in which to query point within.
  • draw(surface : pygame.surface, color) -> None

    Draws a wireframe rectangle for the quad, and recursively, for all of its child quads.

    • surface : The pygame.surface to draw the quadtree to.
    • color : The color to draw the wireframe rectangles in.


  • Make more generic; framework agnostic


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