An intro to hikari

This repo provides some simple examples to get you started with hikari. Contained in this repo are bots designed with both the hikari-lightbulb and hikari-tanjun command handlers. This repo is designed with extra stability in mind, but if you want newer features, check out this experimental repo.

Installing requirements

You can install the necessary requirements by doing:pip install -r requirements.txt


There is a little bit of setup you need to do before testing the bots.

  1. Create a file called "token" in a directory called "secrets", and put your bot's token in there.
  2. Change the GUILD_ID variable to your own guild's ID. This is in the __init__ file for the hikari-lightbulb bot, and the __main__ file for the hikari-tanjun bot.

Testing the bots


This library sports a very syntax, making for an easier time migrating for those wishing to switch. It is less powerful than hikari-tanjun, but is the more stable of the two options at present.

To run the hikari-lightbulb bot:python -OO -m lightbulb_bot


This library has a syntax far more similar to click, a CLI app builder that relies almost entirely on the usage of decorators. It is more powerful than hikari-lightbulb with better support for slash commands and interactions, but does not currently have a stable version. The version this repo currently uses is the unreleased v2.0.0a1 version.

To run the hikari-tanjun bot:python -OO -m tanjun_bot


This repo is provided under the BSD 3-Clause License. This means you can take anything you want from this repo to use in your own bots, though redistributions must retain the license.


GitHub - parafoxia/hikari-intro: An introduction to hikari, complete with different examples for different command handlers.
An introduction to hikari, complete with different examples for different command handlers. - GitHub - parafoxia/hikari-intro: An introduction to hikari, complete with different examples for differ...