
This is an old version (March 2020) pokemon-sword-replay-capture-mar-2020-version of my Pokemon Replay Capture software. I built this to try my reinforcement learning environments on the real game.

Haven’t Ran this code since 2020.

I did update the yolo_poke_runner.py file to use the newest yolov3 model.
You can edit yolo_poke_runner.py if you want to use the 2020 yolov3 model.

Features that may exist partially or in full

The ability to add dynamic voices to Pokemon matches. may need more work
The ability to play wild and network fights

Assume unfixed bugs. I saved this state based on a particular date and not state of the project.

Need Help?
Current link: https://discord.gg/7cu6mrzH

To get started. Assuming you have an USB-HDMI Capture card such as Elgato Cam Link or another brand and the right arduino, you should be fine.

Hardware Requirements

A flashed Arduino with this dex: https://github.com/shinyquagsire23/Switch-Fightstick
USB to serial Adapter or breakout.
USB Hdmi Capture Card.
For reference: https://betterprogramming.pub/creating-a-fake-nintendo-switch-controller-to-level-up-my-character-in-world-of-final-fantasy-b50adc269a1e

Video Of Project Working: https://vimeo.com/654820810

You can extract sword_capture_trained_model_40.zip into the models/ directory:

Commands To Get you started.

To get the USB serials connected to you device run: python3 available_serial.py
You should see something like: [‘/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port’, ‘/dev/tty.usbserial-AQ00LCW6’]
Windows and linux will look different.
Update switch_button_prss.py with you value. In my case I use ‘/dev/tty.usbserial-AQ00LCW6’ on line 18
Next Step make sure your web cam is working.
open webcam_test.py and change line 12 until you figure out which device is your capture card.
Press ESC or Q to close.
Open yolo_state_tracker_opencv.py and update line 5423 to open the same device. This is inside of the process_live_video_feed2345 function.

At this point Start A wild Match in Pokemon Sword or Shield then run:
python3 yolo_poke_runner.py

If there are crashes from no imports, just install with pip.
Some examples are: stable_baselines, and baselines
If you cant install baselines, comment out line #22 inside of yolo_state_tracker_opencv.py which imports AiNetwork: “from ainetwork import AiNetwork”
This isnt an issue because by default the bot is random. 

pokemon-sword-replay-capture is free for most use cases and the source is available. The source code is published
under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1.


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