macOS Development Setup

Welcome to MacOS Local Development & Setup. An ongoing curated list of OS X best applications, libraries, frameworks and tools to help developers set up their macOS Laptop.



Setting up a new developer machine can be an ad-hoc, manual, and time-consuming process. dev-setup aims to simplify the process with easy-to-understand instructions and dotfiles/scripts to automate the setup of the following:

  • OS X updates and Xcode Command Line Tools
  • OS X defaults geared towards developers
  • Developer tools: Vim, bash, tab completion, curl, git, GNU core utils, Python, Ruby, etc
  • Developer apps: iTerm2, Sublime Text, Atom, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Docker, Chrome, etc
  • Python data analysis: IPython Notebook, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib, etc
  • Big Data platforms: Spark (with IPython Notebook integration) and MapReduce
  • Cloud services: Amazon Web Services (Boto, AWS CLI, S3cmd, etc) and Heroku
  • Common data stores: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, and Elasticsearch
  • Javascript web development: Node.js, JSHint, and Less
  • Android development: Java, Android SDK, Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA

But…I Don’t Need All These Tools!

macOS Development Setup is geared to be more of an organized reference of various developer tools.

You’re not meant to install everything.

If you’re interested in automation, dev-setup provides a customizable setup script. There’s really no one-size-fits-all solution for developers so you’re encouraged to make tweaks to suit your needs.

Credits: This repo builds on the awesome work from Mathias Bynens and Nicolas Hery.

For Automation, What About Vagrant, Docker, or Boxen?

Vagrant and Docker are great tools and are set up by this repo. I’ve found that Vagrant works well to ensure dev matches up with test and production tiers. I’ve only started playing around with Docker for side projects and it looks very promising. However, for Mac users, Docker and Vagrant both rely on virtual machines, which have their own considerations/pros/cons.

Boxen is a cool solution, although some might find it better geared towards “more mature companies or devops teams”. I’ve seen some discussions of difficulties as it is using Puppet under the hood.

This repo takes a more light-weight approach to automation using a combination of Homebrew, Homebrew Cask, and shell scripts to do basic system setup. It also provides easy-to understand instructions for installation, configuration, and usage for each developer app or tool.

Sections Summary

  • Section 1 contains the dotfiles/scripts and instructions to set up your system.
  • Sections 2 through 7 detail more information about installation, configuration, and usage for topics in Section 1.

Section 1: Installation

Scripts tested on OS X 10.10 Yosemite and 10.11 El Capitan.

Section 2: General Apps and Tools

Section 3: Python Data Analysis

Section 4: Big Data, AWS, and Heroku

Section 5: Data Stores

Section 6: JavaScript Web Development

Section 7: Android Development

Section 8: Misc

Section 1: Installation

Single Setup Script

Running with Git

Clone the Repo

$ git clone && cd dev-setup

Run the .dots Script with Command Line Arguments

Since you probably don’t want to install every section, the .dots script supports command line arguments to run only specified sections. Simply pass in the scripts that you want to install. Below are some examples.

For more customization, you can clone or fork the repo and tweak the .dots script and its associated components to suit your needs.

Run all:

$ ./.dots all

Run,,, and

$ ./.dots bootstrap osxprep brew osx

Run,,, and,,, and

$ ./.dots bootstrap osxprep brew osx pydata aws datastores

Running without Git

$ curl -O && ./.dots [Add ARGS Here]


  • .dots
    • Runs specified scripts
    • Syncs dev-setup to your local home directory ~
    • Updates OS X and installs Xcode command line tools
    • Installs common Homebrew formulae and apps
    • Sets up OS X defaults geared towards developers
    • Sets up python for data analysis
    • Sets up Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, and Amazon Web Services
    • Sets up common data stores
    • Sets up JavaScript web development
    • Sets up Android development


  • .dots will initially prompt you to enter your password.
  • .dots might ask you to re-enter your password at certain stages of the installation.
  • If OS X updates require a restart, simply run .dots again to resume where you left off.
  • When installing the Xcode command line tools, a dialog box will confirm installation.
    • Once Xcode is installed, follow the instructions on the terminal to continue.
  • .dots runs, which takes awhile to complete as some formulae need to be installed from source.
  • When .dots completes, be sure to restart your computer for all updates to take effect.

I encourage you to read through Section 1 so you have a better idea of what each installation script does. The following discussions describe in greater detail what is executed when running the .dots script. script

The script will sync the dev-setup repo to your local home directory. This will include customizations for Vim, bash, curl, git, tab completion, aliases, a number of utility functions, etc. Section 2 of this repo describes some of the customizations.

Running with Git

First, fork or clone the repo. The script will pull in the latest version and copy the files to your home folder ~:

$ source

To update later on, just run that command again.

Alternatively, to update while avoiding the confirmation prompt:

$ set -- -f; source

Running without Git

To sync dev-setup to your local home directory without Git, run the following:

$ cd ~; curl -#L | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 --exclude={,,LICENSE}

To update later on, just run that command again.

Optional: Specify PATH

If ~/.path exists, it will be sourced along with the other files before any feature testing (such as detecting which version of ls is being used takes place.

Here’s an example ~/.path file that adds /usr/local/bin to the $PATH:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Optional: Add Custom Commands

If ~/.extra exists, it will be sourced along with the other files. You can use this to add a few custom commands without the need to fork this entire repository, or to add commands you don’t want to commit to a public repository.

My ~/.extra looks something like this:

# Git credentials
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Donne Martin"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"

# Pip should only run if there is a virtualenv currently activated

# Install or upgrade a global package
# Usage: gpip install –upgrade pip setuptools virtualenv
   PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV="" pip "[email protected]"

You could also use ~/.extra to override settings, functions, and aliases from the dev-setup repository, although it’s probably better to fork the dev-setup repository. script

Run the script:

$ ./ will first install all updates. If a restart is required, simply run the script again. Once all updates are installed, will then Install Xcode Command Line Tools.

If you want to go the manual route, you can also install all updates by running “App Store”, selecting the “Updates” icon, then updating both the OS and installed apps.

Install Xcode Command Line Tools

An important dependency before many tools such as Homebrew can work is the Command Line Tools for Xcode. These include compilers like gcc that will allow you to build from source.

If you are running OS X 10.9 Mavericks or later, then you can install the Xcode Command Line Tools directly from the command line with:

$ xcode-select --install

Note: the script executes this command.

Running the command above will display a dialog where you can either:

  • Install Xcode and the command line tools
  • Install the command line tools only
  • Cancel the install

OS X 10.8 and Older

If you’re running 10.8 or older, you’ll need to go to, and sign in with your Apple ID (the same one you use for iTunes and app purchases). Unfortunately, you’re greeted by a rather annoying questionnaire. All questions are required, so feel free to answer at random.

Once you reach the downloads page, search for “command line tools”, and download the latest Command Line Tools (OS X Mountain Lion) for Xcode. Open the .dmg file once it’s done downloading, and double-click on the .mpkg installer to launch the installation. When it’s done, you can unmount the disk in Finder. script

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to install Homebrew, a package manager that simplifies installing and updating applications or libraries.

Some of the apps installed by the script include: Chrome, Firefox, Sublime Text, Atom, Dropbox, Evernote, Skype, Slack, Alfred, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Docker, etc. For a full listing of installed formulae and apps, refer to the commented source file directly and tweak it to suit your needs.

Run the script:

$ ./

The script takes awhile to complete, as some formulae need to be installed from source.

For your terminal customization to take full effect, quit and re-start the terminal script

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to set OS X defaults geared towards developers. The script also configures common third-party apps such Sublime Text and Chrome.

Note: I strongly encourage you read through the commented source file and tweak any settings based on your personal preferences. The script defaults are intended for you to customize. For example, if you are not running an SSD you might want to change some of the settings listed in the SSD section.

Run the script:

$ ./

For your terminal customization to take full effect, quit and re-start the terminal. script

To set up a development environment to work with Python and data analysis without relying on the more heavyweight Anaconda distribution, run the script:

$ ./

This will install Virtualenv and Virtualenvwrapper. It will then set up two virtual environments loaded with the packages you will need to work with data in Python 2 and Python 3.

To switch to the Python 2 virtual environment, run the following Virtualenvwrapper command:

$ workon py2-data

To switch to the Python 3 virtual environment, run the following Virtualenvwrapper command:

$ workon py3-data

Then start working with the installed packages, for example:

$ ipython notebook

Section 3: Python Data Analysis describes the installed packages and usage. script

To set up a development environment to work with Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, and Amazon Web Services, run the script:

$ ./

Section 4: Big Data, AWS, and Heroku describes the installed packages and usage. script

To set up common data stores, run the script:

$ ./

Section 5: Data Stores describes the installed packages and usage. script

To set up a JavaScript web development environment, Run the script:

$ ./

Section 6: Web Development describes the installed packages and usage. script

To set up an Android development environment, run the script:

$ ./

Section 7: Android Development describes the installed packages and usage.

Section 2: General Apps and Tools

Sublime Text

With the terminal, the text editor is a developer’s most important tool. Everyone has their preferences, but unless you’re a hardcore Vim user, a lot of people are going to tell you that Sublime Text is currently the best one out there.


The script installs Sublime Text.

If you prefer to install it separately, go ahead and download it. Open the .dmg file, drag-and-drop in the Applications folder.

Note: At this point I’m going to create a shortcut on the OS X Dock for both for Sublime Text. To do so, right-click on the running application and select Options > Keep in Dock.

Sublime Text is not free, but I think it has an unlimited “evaluation period”. Anyhow, we’re going to be using it so much that even the seemingly expensive $70 price tag is worth every penny. If you can afford it, I suggest you support this awesome tool.


The script contains Sublime Text configurations.

Soda Theme

The Soda Theme is a great UI theme for Sublime Text, especially if you use a dark theme and think the side bar sticks out like a sore thumb.

Installation with Sublime Package Control

If you are using Will Bond’s excellent Sublime Package Control, you can easily install Soda Theme via the Package Control: Install Package menu item. The Soda Theme package is listed as Theme - Soda in the packages list.

Installation with Git

Alternatively, if you are a git user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo directly into your Packages directory in the Sublime Text application settings area.

You can locate your Sublime Text Packages directory by using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages....

While inside the Packages directory, clone the theme repository using the command below:

$ git clone "Theme - Soda"

Activating the Theme on Sublime Text 2

  • Open your User Settings Preferences file Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Settings - User
  • Add (or update) your theme entry to be "theme": "Soda Light.sublime-theme" or "theme": "Soda Dark.sublime-theme"

Example Sublime Text 2 User Settings

    "theme": "Soda Light.sublime-theme"

Activating the Theme on Sublime Text 3

  • Open your User Settings Preferences file Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User
  • Add (or update) your theme entry to be "theme": "Soda Light 3.sublime-theme" or "theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme"

Example Sublime Text 3 User Settings

    "theme": "Soda Light 3.sublime-theme"

Changing Monokai Comment Color

Although Monokai is a great color scheme, I find that comments can be difficult to see. You can follow these instructions to change the color of the default theme.

I set my comments color to #E6DB74.

<div class="snippet-clipboard-content position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="


