
Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx, fastapi, and datetime stuff.


This library is forked from an internal project that works with a lot of backend APIs, namely interacting with kubernetes's API. In certain cases, you want to use sync where async isnt suitable, but managing two seperate sync / async client can be annoying, especially when you aren't initializing from async at the start.

This project aims to solve a few problems:

  • Enables both sync and async REST calls from the same client.
  • Improves upon serialization/deserialization over standard json library by using simdjson.
  • Enables dynamic dataclass creation from responses via lazycls that are based on pydantic BaseModel.
  • Work with Timestamp / Datetime much quicker and simpler.
  • Manipulate response objects as efficiently as possible.
  • Wrapper functions for fastapi to enable quick api creation.


pip install --upgrade lazyapi

from lazyapi import APIClient

# Allows initialization of the client from sync call. 
# The client has both async and sync call methods.
apiclient = APIClient(
    base_url = '',
    headers = {},
    module_name = 'customlib',

# All requests will be routed through the base_url
# Sync Method
resp = apiclient.get(path='/search?...', **kwargs)

# Async Method
resp = await apiclient.async_get(path='/search?...', **kwargs)

Both yield the same results, only differing in the clientType = sync | async
The underlying classes are auto-generated from Pydantic BaseModels, so anything you can do with Pydantic Models, you can do with these.

> HttpResponse(resp=<Response [301 Moved Permanently]>, clientType='sync', method='get', timestamp=datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 1, 7, 55, 10, 478544, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))

class HttpResponse(BaseCls):
    resp: Response
    clientType: str = 'sync'
    method: str = 'get'
    timestamp: str = Field(default_factory=get_timestamp_utc)

DefaultHeaders = {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Client Configs from Env Variables

class HttpCfg:
    timeout = envToFloat('HTTPX_TIMEOUT', 30.0)
    keep_alive = envToInt('HTTPX_KEEPALIVE', 50)
    max_connect = envToInt('HTTPX_MAXCONNECT', 200)
    headers = envToDict('HTTPX_HEADERS', default=DefaultHeaders)

class AsyncHttpCfg:
    timeout = envToFloat('HTTPX_ASYNC_TIMEOUT', 30.0)
    keep_alive = envToInt('HTTPX_ASYNC_KEEPALIVE', 50)
    max_connect = envToInt('HTTPX_ASYNC_MAXCONNECT', 200)
    headers = envToDict('HTTPX_ASYNC_HEADERS', default=DefaultHeaders)


API Specific Features

API Responses

Responses returned from APIClient are of lazyapi.classes.HttpResponse classes which wraps httpx.response in a BaseModel to do response validation, and interfacing with the response such as:

  • .is_error -> bool
  • .is_redirect -> bool
  • .data -> resp.json()
  • .data_obj -> SimdJson.Object / SimdJson.Array
  • .data_cls -> lazycls.LazyCls
  • .timestamp -> str with utc timestamp of request

Time/Datetime Functions

lazyapi.timez: Includes a multitude of datetime based functions to work with timestamp / time / duration.

  • TIMEZONE_DESIRED env to set the desired Timezone Default: America/Chicago
  • TIMEZONE_FORMAT env to set the desired Timezone parse. Default: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
  • TimezCfg class can be modified based on above two variables.
  • get_timestamp: creates a str based timestamp using local TZ
  • get_timestamp_tz: creates a str based timestamp using the desired TZ
  • get_timestamp_utc: creates a str based timestamp using UTC
  • timer: Simple timer function
  • dtime: Get a datetime object. If no datetime obj is given, returns, otherwise will get the difference
  • get_dtime_secs: converts a datetime object to total num secs.
  • get_dtime_str: Converts a datetime object to a string. If no datetime obj is given, returns converted into desired str format
  • get_dtime_iso: attempts to standardize a datetime obj from existing tz into an iso/desired-formatted datetime
  • dtime_parse: attempts to parse a string, timestamp, etc. into a datetime obj
  • dtime_diff: gets the difference between two datetime objects.

FastAPI wrapper functions

Primarily used to create subapp mounts behind the primary fastapi app.

from lazyapi import create_fastapi, FastAPICfg

class FastAPICfg:
    app_title = envToStr('FASTAPI_TITLE', 'LazyAPI')
    app_desc = envToStr('FASTAPI_DESC', 'Just a LazyAPI Backend')
    app_version = envToStr('FASTAPI_VERSION', 'v0.0.1')
    include_middleware = envToBool('FASTAPI_MIDDLEWARE', 'true')
    allow_origins = envToList('FASTAPI_ALLOW_ORIGINS', default=["*"])
    allow_methods = envToList('FASTAPI_ALLOW_METHODS', default=["*"])
    allow_headers = envToList('FASTAPI_ALLOW_HEADERS', default=["*"])
    allow_credentials = envToBool('FASTAPI_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS', 'true')

app = create_fastapiapp_name: str, title: str = None, desc: str = None, version: str = None)
subapp = create_fastapi(app_name: 'subapp')

async def healthcheck() -> PlainTextResponse:
    return PlainTextResponse(content='ok')

app.mount('/subapp', subapp)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import uvicorn"main:app")

Now you can expect the route at

GitHub - trisongz/lazyapi at
Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx, fastapi, date stuff - GitHub - trisongz/lazyapi at