Simple binance futures


  • Just use leverage. The fee difference between futures and spot is not considered. For example, funding rate, etc.
  • Only support binance
  • Only support isolated
  • Only long, Short is not supported
  • Not support increasing margin
  • Not support adjusting leverage when holding positions,This is a limitation of Binance
  • Please use the 2021.07 version of FT. There is no guarantee that the previous or later versions will support.Don’t forget pip install -r requirements.txt after updating FT


  • New binance users only support 20x leverage, please confirm whether your account supports higher leverage! Make sure your API is enabled and have Futures permissions Open futures after created the API, the created API still does not support futres, you must create a new API
  • When the script starts, it will initialize Leverage, PositionsideDual, Isolated, so your position needs to be empty
  • Make sure that the following methods are not customized ohlcvdata_to_dataframe custom_stake_amount custom_stoploss confirm_trade_entry bot_loop_start or use super().xxx() first

Modify config.json

  • Must set order_types.stoploss_on_exchange to true.
  • Muset set bid_strategy.use_order_book to true.
  • Muset set ask_strategy.use_order_book to true.
  • Highly recommended set ccxt_config.enableRateLimit to true.
  • exchange.ccxt_config add "options": {"defaultType": "future"}
  • exchange.ccxt_async_config add "options": {"defaultType": "future"}

Modify strategy

Must! Must! Must use custom_stoploss, and turn on stoploss_on_exchange

FT spot does not handle the logic of forced liquidation.
Therefore, stoploss_on_exchange must be used to manually liquidate the position before the forced liquidation
p = locals()
del p["self"], p["__class__"]
parent_stoploss = super().custom_stoploss(**p)

return max(stoploss_from_open(parent_stoploss, current_profit), -1)

from pandas import DataFrame

from freqtrade.strategy import stoploss_from_open
from pathlib import Path
import sys

import importlib

interface_futures_binance = importlib.import_module("interface_futures_binance")

class SimpleBinanceFutures(interface_futures_binance.IFutures):
    use_custom_stoploss = True

    # Futures config
    # New binance users only support 20x leverage, please confirm whether your account supports higher leverage!
    # Make sure your API is enabled and have Futures permissions
    # (open futures after created the API, the created API still does not support futres, you must create a new API)
    _leverage = 10

    def custom_stoploss(
        self, pair: str, trade: 'Trade', current_time: 'datetime', current_rate: float, current_profit: float, **kwargs
    ) -> float:
        Must! Must! Must use custom_stoploss, and turn on stoploss_on_exchange

        FT spot does not handle the logic of forced liquidation.
        Therefore, stoploss_on_exchange must be used to manually liquidate the position before the forced liquidation
        p = locals()
        del p["self"], p["__class__"]
        parent_stoploss = super().custom_stoploss(**p)

        return max(stoploss_from_open(parent_stoploss, current_profit), -1)


  • If you want to change the strategy, it is recommended to restart instead of using web reload.
