GraphQL client in the terminal

Build and execute GraphQL queries in the terminal.

This project is inspired by


pip3 install gqt

It’s recommended to install bat for pretty output.


  • Navigate with arrow keys.
  • Select fields with <Space>.
  • Toggle between argument selection and its value with <Tab>.
  • End with <Enter>.


Set default GraphQL endpoint:

$ export GQT_ENDPOINT=

Interactively create a query and execute it:

$ gqt
    "statistics": {
        "numberOfGraphqlRequests": 3

Repeat last query:

$ gqt -r
    "statistics": {
        "numberOfGraphqlRequests": 4

Print the query instead of executing it:

$ gqt -q
{statistics {numberOfGraphqlRequests}}

YAML output:

$ gqt -y
  numberOfGraphqlRequests: 8

Print the schema:

$ gqt --print-schema
type Query {
  standardLibrary: StandardLibrary!
  statistics: Statistics!
  activities: [Activity!]!

type StandardLibrary {
  package(name: String!): Package!
  packages: [Package!]
  numberOfPackages: Int
  numberOfDownloads: Int

Known issues

  • Arguments does not work very well.
  • Scrolling does not work.
  • Fragments and unions are not implemented.
  • Mutations and subscriptions are not implemented.
  • And much more.


  • Show GraphQL API documentation.

  • Mutations?

  • Subscriptions?

  • Arguments and variables:

    ■: not null
    □: null
    $: variable

    Scalar example:

    ╭─ Query
    │ ▼ standard_library
    │   ▼ package
    │     ■ name: ""
    │     □ name
    │   ▶ packages

    List example:

    ╭─ Query
    │ ▼ item
    │   □ kinds:
    │   ■ kinds2:
    │     [0] ■ a: "foo"
    │         ■ b: "eq"
    │         ■ c:
    │           [0] ■ a: "x"
    │               ■ b: "y"
    │           [1]
    │     [1] ■ a: "bar"
    │         ■ b: "ne"
    │         □ c:
    │     [2]

    Variables example:

    ╭─ Query
    │ ▼ standardLibrary
    │   ▼ package
    │     $ name: name
    │     ■ id: 5
    │     $ kind: kind
    │     □ name
    │   □ numberOfDownloads
    │ ▶ statistics
    ╭─ Variables
    │ name: "foo"
    │ kind:
    │   [0] ■ a: "bar"
    │       ■ b: "ne"
    │       □ c:
    │   [1]

    Print the variables:

    $ gqt -v
    {"name": "foo", "kind": [{"a": "bar", "b": "ne"}]}


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