
Build custom OSINT tools and APIs with this python package! It includes different OSINT modules for performing reconnaissance on the target, and a built-in database for mapping and visuialzing some of the reconnaissance results.

The final results is a json output that can be intergrated with other projects


pip3 install osint

Usage Example - Scan ips or domains for http and https

#Remember you need higher privileges

from osint import QBDns, QBScan
targets = QBDns().convert_to_ips(["http://test.com",""] )
targets = QBScan().run(targets,[80,443])

Usage Example - Extract text from domains

#Remember you need higher privileges

from osint import QBDns, QBHost, QBExtract
targets = QBDns().convert_to_ips(["http://test.com"] )
targets = QBHost().run(targets)
targets = QBExtract().run(targets,function="text")

Usage Example - Interact with the built-in database

from osint import QBGetInfo
print(QBGetInfo().cursor.execute(("SELECT * FROM ports WHERE port=?"),(80,)).fetchone())

Current modules

QBDns() - Dns lookups

  • target List of target domains or ips, the results is needed for the rest of modules e.g. ["http://test...",""]

QBHost() - Extract host information and cert

QBHost().run(targets, function)
  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function
  • function all, cert or content

QBCached() - Check archive.org from snapshots

QBCached().run(targets, from_date_in, to_date_in)
  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function
  • from_date_in #start date as month/year e.g. 12/2020
  • to_date_in #end date as month/year e.g. 12/2021

QBExtract() - Extract text from pages

QBExtract().run(targets, function)
  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function
  • function all, text, metadata, links, image or language

QBScan() - Extract text from pages

QBScan.run(targets, ports, function)
  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function
  • ports ports to scan e.g. [80,443]
  • function all, sync, tcp, xmas, fin, null, ack, window or udp

QBTraceRoute() - Extract text from pages

  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function

QBPing() - Ping host

QBPing.run(targets, function)
  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function
    function #all, arp, icmp or udp

QBWhois() - Whois information

  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function

QBICS() - Industrial Control Systems Scanning

  • target from QBDns().convert_to_ips() function

QBICS() module is not available and currently under testing

Built-in Database

countries_ids (country text, ctry text, cntry text, cid int, latitude int, longitude int, flag text)
countries_ips (ipfrom bigint, ipto bigint, registry text, assigned int, ctry text, cntry text, country text)
dns_servers (dns text, description text)
languages (ctry text, language text)
ports (port int, protocol text, service text, description text)
reserved_ips (ipfrom bigint, ipto bigint, description text)
temp_emails (email text, description text, blocked boolean)
url_shorteners (URL text, description text)

