
Chilean Digital Vaccination Pass Parser (CDVPP) parses digital vaccination passes from PDF files

Reads a Digital Vaccination Pass PDF file as input and retrieves its details as an instance of VaccinationPass.


This project was developed using pyenv and pipenv.

First install the Python version for this project specified in the .python-version file.

pyenv install 3.10.0

Then move to the project directory and run pipenv install to install Pipfile specified dependencies.

Finally run the virtual environment using pipenv shell.

Execute python src/ through Pipenv's shell to run the project.


Currently only the version of the PDF issued as of November 16, 2021 is admited. Other versions are not yet compatible. This application relies on a specific order of lines to retrieve each field from the PDF file.

Pyright Support

Create a pyrightconfig.json file in the root directory and append the following contents:

  "venvPath": "<Absolute Path to your virtualenvs directory>",
  "venv": "<Virtualenv directory name>",

Where venvPath belongs to your virtualenvs directory path, and venv to this project virtual environment.

GitHub - EstebanBorai/cdvpp at
Chilean Digital Vaccination Pass Parser (CDVPP) parses digital vaccination passes from PDF files - GitHub - EstebanBorai/cdvpp at