Chorok - High quality Discord music bot

Rewrite with dico

Config guide

  "mode_name": { // You can run with `python3 <mode_name>`
    "tokens": {
      "discord": "",
      "koreanbots": "" // Blank if you aren't going to use koreanbots
    "node": [
        "local": false, // true if you are going to use local node
        "host": "discodo", // Host of node
        "port": 8000, // Port of node
        "password": "hellodiscodo" // Password of node
    "slash_command_guild": null // null: global, string: that guild only

How to run?

Only support Python 3.9.n or higher
  1. setup config with config.json (see config guide)
  2. install deps with pip(3.*) install -r requirements.txt
  3. run discodo node
  4. run bot with python(3) <mode>
GitHub - chorokdev/chorok-rewrite: Chorok - High quality Discord music bot
Chorok - High quality Discord music bot. Contribute to chorokdev/chorok-rewrite development by creating an account on GitHub.