
When working on virtual environments, Python projects can be installed with a single command invocation, for example pip install --no-deps . . Instead for CMake/C++ projects it is necessary to manually run mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=... .

cmakip is a command line tool to simplify this step, i.e. the compilation and installation of C++/CMake projects when working on environments such as conda environments or Python’s virtual environments, similarly to what pip permits to do with Python projects.


First of all, make sure that you are in a conda environment or a Python virtual environment, then you can install cmakip as:

pip install --no-deps git+"


Installation from a directory

cmakip can permit to quickly install a project in a directory, for example:

cd ~
git clone
cd fmt
cmakip install .

This automatically creates a build_cmakip directory in the source folder and then installs it in the appropriate location:

Operating System Environment Type CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
Linux&macOS Conda ${CONDA_PREFIX}
Windows Conda ${CONDA_PREFIX}\Library
Linux&macOS Python venv ${VIRTUAL_ENV}
Windows Python venv Not Supported

A project installed like that can be uninstalled like:

cd ~/fmt
cmakip uninstall .

Installation from a repo

cmakip can also be used to install CMake libraries from a repo:

cmake install git+

This automatically clone the repo in ${CONDA_PREFIX}\src or ${VIRTUAL_ENV}\src, and then installs it.

A library installed like this can be uninstalled simply specifying the repo name:

cmakip uninstall fmt


Does cmakip resolve dependencies?

No. In a sense, it is kind of equivalent to pip install --no-deps.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




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