CLI for google dorks

This is the command line tool made with pytohn which allows the users to perform Google dorks easily


Install google dork cli

  >> pip install gdcli


    >> gdcli -h

    1) -op 1 for general query
        >> gdcli -op 1 -q ninja -s instagram -e gamer

    2) -op 2 for instagram user finding
        >> gdcli -op 2 -q ninja -b gamer -l usa

[-h] [-op OPTION] [-q SEARCH_QUERY] [-s SITE] [-f FILE_TYPE] [-e EXCLUDE] [-b BIO] [-l LOCATION]        

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -op OPTION       Option [1 2 3]
  -q SEARCH_QUERY  Search Query
  -s SITE          Specifc site for searching
  -f FILE_TYPE     File type
  -e EXCLUDE       Things to exclude
  -b BIO           Bio of the user
  -l LOCATION      Bio of the user

Note this cli tool is still on development process and more features will be added very soon,and feel free to contribute

GitHub - HEGADE/gdcli at
Command line tool for google dorks. Contribute to HEGADE/gdcli development by creating an account on GitHub.