
Finished rendering the frames of that animation, and now the colors look washed out and ugly? This terminal program will solve exactly that.


  • Uses Python's PIL library to transform the effects of a color profile to another
  • Has capability of processing entire folders of images automatically
nice image

How to Install

Download the code and unzip it

Edit your terminal configuration file to contain the path to in this repository:

 source ~/path/to/shell/file/toprofile/


If this is your first time using the tool, scroll down to the Configuration section

To use the command, simply type it's name, followed by a path, if needed.

> toprofile                      # Tranform all images in current working directory
> toprofile path/to/dir          # Transform all images in the referenced directory
> toprofile path/to/image.png    # Transform only the referenced image


Before using the program, you must first specify what color profiles to use by giving the program the paths of the color profile files. They will be saved.

> toprofile -config
> Configure color profile paths? (y/n) <b>y</b>
> Abs. path of viewing profile? <b>/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays/LG HDR 4K.icc</b>
> Abs. path of display profile? <b>/System/Library/Colorsync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc</b>
> Configuration successfully saved

In this example, I've provided my monitor's color profile and the standard sRGB color profile. When I run the command, images will be saved using the display profile. However, they will appear as if they use the viewing profile. In this case, I am saving the images as sRGB, while retaining the effect of my monitor's color profile.

GitHub - nonrice/toprofile at
Command line tool to automate transforming the effects of one color profile to another, possibly more standard one. - GitHub - nonrice/toprofile at