News Compiler

Compilation of news from a chosen subject for the last 24 hours.

A project made with the purpose of studying automation, web scraping and file manipulation with Python.

Project under MIT License.

☑️ Remarks for current version:

  1. Command line option for choosing language.
  2. Theres is no more need for Chromedriver.

⚙️ Setup

First, clone this repo with:

git clone

Then install the requirements:

  • For Windows: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • For Debian based Linux distros: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

? Usage


  • For Windows: python [language] 'SEARCH_TERM'
  • For Debian based Linux distros: python3 [language] 'SEARCH_TERM'

on your terminal, where SEARCH_TERM is the subject you want to know about.

The language options are:

[-e | --english] [-p | --portuguese] [-s | --spanish] [-f | --french]

If there is no option, english will be the default value.

Example, if you want to use a subject with more than one word in french, it can be done by:

python -f 'star wars' OR python --french 'star wars'

The output will be a PDF file with news and their links in TinyURL format.

? Updates


  • Total refactor for performance and generalization improvements!
  • Now the script uses requests and lxml.html for scraping;
  • No more need for Selenium and Chromedriver.


  • Testing with Chrome v86+, after updating Chromedriver, and working.


  • Added new command-line option for choosing the language of the search;
  • Browser window will run minimized.


  • First version release.
GitHub - cauabernardino/newscompiler: Compilation of news of a desired subject.
Compilation of news of a desired subject. Contribute to cauabernardino/newscompiler development by creating an account on GitHub.