Cookiecutter Google Function

Code Quality Checks Code style: black

Cookiecutter template for a Google Function. Powered by Poetry, and GitHub actions.


Install the latest Cookiecutter if you haven’t installed it yet (this requires Cookiecutter 1.4.0 or higher):

$ pip install -U cookiecutter>=1.4.0

Generate a Python project:

$ cookiecutter


This template has the following features:

  • pytest: Unit and coverage testing
  • flake8 and pylint: Python style checks
  • black: Auto-formatted code
  • mypy: Type checking
  • Poetry: Depedency managemnt and packaging
  • GitHub Actions: Automated CI checks, auto-release to PyPi, and automated version bumping (no more Travis needed)


For further documentation on how to create and connect to your repository as well as deploy to GCP, visit the official docs


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