Create Phunk image

Tool to create a Phunk image with a custom background


Clone the repo

git clone

Move to a virtual environment (pipenv used for the example)

pipenv shell

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Default parameters, will create an image of size 240×240 (default) with the original backgound color

python -m app.create_phunk -id=7017

phunk org

Custom size, will create an image of size wxhe with the original backgound color

python -m app.create_phunk -id=7017 -w=500 -he=500

phunk bigger

Custom background color, will create an image of default size with a custom background color

python -m app.create_phunk -id=7017 -c="38, 199, 20"

phunk color

Custom background image, will create an image of default size with a custom background image

python -m app.create_phunk -id=7017 -img="example.png"

phunk image

Custom background image and custom size, will create an image of custom size with a custom background image

python -m app.create_phunk -id=7017 -w=500 -he=500 -img="images.jpg"

phunk beach

Run the following code to see all the available parameters

python -m app.create_phunk -h


ETH: 0x8143978e687066F635515BD28E0d9D070FAcEb4B

Twitter: albanow


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