
Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances. Provides easy configuration to get virtual power consumption sensors in Home Assistant for all your devices which don't have a build in power meter. This component estimates power usage by looking at brightness, hue/saturation and color temperature etc using different strategies. They are explained below. Power sensors can be created for light, switch, fan, binary_sensor, input_boolean, remote and media_player entities




This integration is part of the default HACS repository. Just click "Explore and add repository" to install


Copy custom_components/powercalc into your Home Assistant config directory.


Each virtual power sensor have it's own configuration possibilities. They are as follows:

Name Type Requirement Description
entity_id string Required HA entity ID
manufacturer string Optional Manufacturer, most of the time this can be automatically discovered
model string Optional Model id, most of the time this can be automatically discovered
standby_usage float Optional Supply the wattage when the device is off
disable_standby_usage boolean Optional Set to true to not show any power consumption when the device is standby
name string Optional Override the name
custom_model_directory string Optional Directory for a custom light model. Relative from the config directory
mode string Optional Calculation mode, one of lut, linear, fixed
fixed object Optional Fixed mode options
linear object Optional Linear mode options

Calculation modes

To calculate estimated power consumption different modes are supported, they are as follows:

LUT mode

Supported domain: light

This is the most accurate mode. For some models from the Philips Hue line measurements are taken using smart plugs. All this data is saved into CSV files. When you have the LUT mode activated the current brightness/hue/saturation of the light will be checked and closest matching line will be looked up in the CSV.


  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
    manufacturer: signify
    model: LCT010

When you are using the official Philips Hue integration the manufacturer and model can automatically be discovered, so there is no need to supply those.

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp

Linear mode

Supported domains: light, fan

The linear mode can be used for dimmable devices which don't have a lookup table available. You need to supply the min and max power draw yourself, by either looking at the datasheet or measuring yourself with a smart plug / power meter. Power consumpion is calculated by ratio. So when you have your fan running at 50% speed and define watt range 2 - 6, than the estimated consumption will be 4 watt.

Configuration options

Name Type Requirement Description
min_power float Optional Power usage for lowest brightness level
max_power float Optional Power usage for highest brightness level
calibrate string Optional Calibration values

Example configuration

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
      min_power: 0.5
      max_power: 8

Advanced precision calibration

With the calibrate setting you can supply more than one power value for multiple brightness/percentage levels. This allows for a more accurate estimation because not all lights are straight linear.

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
        - 1 -> 0.3
        - 10 -> 1.25
        - 50 -> 3.50
        - 100 -> 6.8
        - 255 -> 15.3

Note: For lights the supplied values must be in brightness range 1-255, when you select 1 in lovelace UI slider this is actually brightness level 3. For fan speeds the range is 1-100 (percentage)

Fixed mode

Supported domains: light, fan, switch, binary_sensor, remote, media_player, input_boolean

When you have an appliance which only can be set on and off you can use this mode. You need to supply a single watt value in the configuration which will be used when the device is ON

Configuration options

Name Type Requirement Description
power float Optional Power usage when the appliance is turned on (in watt)
states_power dict Optional Power usage per entity state

Simple example

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.nondimmabled_bulb
      power: 20

Power per state

The states_power setting allows you to specify a power per entity state. This can be useful for example on Sonos devices which have a different power consumption in different states.

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: media_player.sonos_living
        playing: 8.3
        paused: 2.25
        idle: 1.5

Configuration examples

Linear mode with additional standby usage

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.livingroom_floorlamp
      min_power: 0.5
      max_power: 8
    standby_usage: 0.2
    name: My amazing power meter

Light model library

The component ships with predefined light measurements for some light models. This library will keep extending by the effort of community users.

These models are located in custom_components/powercalc/data directory. Each light model has it's own subdirectory {manufacturer}/{modelid}

Every model MUST contain a model.json file which defines the supported calculation modes and other configuration. When LUT mode is supported also LUT data files must be provided.

Example lut mode:

    "name": "Hue White and Color Ambiance A19 E26 (Gen 5)",
    "standby_usage": 0.4,
    "supported_modes": [

Example linear mode

    "name": "Hue Go",
    "supported_modes": [
    "standby_usage": 0.2,
    "linear_config": {
        "min_power": 0,
        "max_power": 6

LUT data files

To calculate power consumption a lookup is done into CSV data files.

Depending on the supported color modes of the light the integration expects multiple CSV files here:

  • hs.csv.gz (hue/saturation, colored lamps)
  • color_temp.csv.gz (color temperature)
  • brightness.csv.gz (brightness only lights)

Some lights support two color modes (both hs and color_temp), so there must be two CSV files.

The files are gzipped to keep the repository footprint small, and installation fast.


- signify
  - LCT010
    - hs.csv.gz
    - color_temp.csv.gz

Expected file structure

  • The file MUST contain a header row.
  • The data rows in the CSV files MUST have the following column order:








  • brightness (0-255)
  • hue (0-65535)
  • saturation (0-255)
  • mired (0-500) min value depending on min mired value of the light model

Creating LUT files

New files are created by taking measurements using a smartplug (i.e. Shelly plug) and changing the light to all kind of different variations using the Hue API. An example script is available utils/measure/measure.py. I am using the "Shelly Plug S"

Setup requirements for the script. It is advised to run in a virtual environment.

cd utils/measure
python3 -m venv measure
source measure/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the script:

python3 measure.py

Supported models

See the list of supported lights which don't need any manual configuration

Debug logging

Add the following to configuration.yaml:

  default: warning
    custom_components.powercalc: debug

