C Y B Ξ R UserBot is a project that simplifies the use of Telegram. All rights reserved.

Automatic Setup

Android: open Termux paste this code: bash <(curl -L https://bit.ly/2SuGkcA)

iOS: open iSH paste this code: apk update && apk add bash && apk add curl && curl -L -o cyber_installer.sh https://git.io/JYKsg && chmod +x cyber_installer.sh && bash cyber_installer.sh

Online deploy

Run on Repl.it

Manual Deploy - Heroku


Hard way

git clone https://github.com/CyberUserBot/CyberUserBot.git
cd CyberUserBot
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py

String Session

Run on Repl.it

Example plugin

from userbot.events import register
from userbot.cmdhelp import CmdHelp 
# <-- Let's note the imports

@register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.test")
async def test(event):
    await event.edit('C Y B Ξ R UserBot')

Help = CmdHelp('test') # Now let's note the information
Help.add_command('test', # We write the order in this way.
    'Test edir', # Here we write the explanation of the order.
Help.add_info('Plugin info')
Help.add_warning('Xəbərdarlıq mesajı') # We are writing a warning message here.


     Associated with UserBot; Your Telegram account may be closed.
     This is an open source project and we have no responsibility as CYBΞR Owners and Administrators.
     By setting up CYBΞR, you are considered to have accepted these responsibilities.
GitHub - CyberUserBot/CyberUserBot at pythonawesome.com
C Y B Ξ R UserBot is a project that simplifies the use of Telegram. All rights reserved. - GitHub - CyberUserBot/CyberUserBot at pythonawesome.com