DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation


As acquiring pixel-wise annotations of real-world images for semantic
segmentation is a costly process, a model can instead be trained with more
accessible synthetic data and adapted to real images without requiring their
annotations. This process is studied in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA).

Even though a large number of methods propose new UDA strategies, they
are mostly based on outdated network architectures. In this work, we
particularly study the influence of the network architecture on UDA performance
and propose DAFormer, a network architecture tailored for UDA. It consists of a
Transformer encoder and a multi-level context-aware feature fusion decoder.

DAFormer is enabled by three simple but crucial training strategies to stabilize the
training and to avoid overfitting the source domain: While the
Rare Class Sampling on the source domain improves the quality of pseudo-labels
by mitigating the confirmation bias of self-training towards common classes,
the Thing-Class ImageNet Feature Distance and a Learning Rate Warmup promote
feature transfer from ImageNet pretraining.

DAFormer significantly improves
the state-of-the-art performance by 10.8 mIoU for GTA→Cityscapes
and by 5.4 mIoU for Synthia→Cityscapes and enables learning even
difficult classes such as train, bus, and truck well.

UDA over time

The strengths of DAFormer, compared to the previous state-of-the-art UDA method
ProDA, can also be observed in qualitative examples from the Cityscapes
validation set.

Color Palette

For more information on DAFormer, please check our

If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={DAFormer: Improving Network Architectures and Training Strategies for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Hoyer, Lukas and Dai, Dengxin and Van Gool, Luc},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14887},

Setup Environment

For this project, we used python 3.8.5. We recommend setting up a new virtual

python -m venv ~/venv/daformer
source ~/venv/daformer/bin/activate

In that environment, the requirements can be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install mmcv-full==1.3.7  # requires the other packages to be installed first

Further, please download the MiT weights and a pretrained DAFormer using the
following script. If problems occur with the automatic download, please follow
the instructions for a manual download within the script.

sh tools/download_checkpoints.sh

All experiments were executed on a NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti.

Inference Demo

Already as this point, the provided DAFormer model (downloaded by
tools/download_checkpoints.sh) can be applied to a demo image:

python -m demo.image_demo demo/demo.png work_dirs/211108_1622_gta2cs_daformer_s0_7f24c/211108_1622_gta2cs_daformer_s0_7f24c.json work_dirs/211108_1622_gta2cs_daformer_s0_7f24c/latest.pth

When judging the predictions, please keep in mind that DAFormer had no access
to real-world labels during the training.

Setup Datasets

Cityscapes: Please, download leftImg8bit_trainvaltest.zip and
gt_trainvaltest.zip from here
and extract them to data/cityscapes.

GTA: Please, download all image and label packages from
here and extract
them to data/gta.

Synthia: Please, download SYNTHIA-RAND-CITYSCAPES from
here and extract it to data/synthia.

The final folder structure should look like this:

├── ...
├── data
│   ├── cityscapes
│   │   ├── leftImg8bit
│   │   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── val
│   │   ├── gtFine
│   │   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── val
│   ├── gta
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── labels
│   ├── synthia
│   │   ├── RGB
│   │   ├── GT
│   │   │   ├── LABELS
├── ...

Data Preprocessing: Finally, please run the following scripts to convert the label IDs to the
train IDs and to generate the class index for RCS:

python tools/convert_datasets/gta.py data/gta --nproc 8
python tools/convert_datasets/cityscapes.py data/cityscapes --nproc 8
python tools/convert_datasets/synthia.py data/synthia/ --nproc 8


For convenience, we provide an annotated config file of the final DAFormer.
A training job can be launched using:

python run_experiments.py --config configs/daformer/gta2cs_uda_warm_fdthings_rcs_croppl_a999_daformer_mitb5_s0.py

For the experiments in our paper (e.g. network architecture comparison,
component ablations, …), we use a system to automatically generate
and train the configs:

python run_experimenty.py --exp <ID>

More information about the available experiments and their assigned IDs, can be
found in experiments.py. The generated configs will be stored
in configs/generated/.

Testing & Predictions

The provided DAFormer checkpoint trained on GTA->Cityscapes
(already downloaded by tools/download_checkpoints.sh) can be tested on the
Cityscapes validation set using:

sh test.sh work_dirs/211108_1622_gta2cs_daformer_s0_7f24c

The predictions are saved for inspection to
and the mIoU of the model is printed to the console. The provided checkpoint
should achieve 68.85 mIoU. Refer to the end of
work_dirs/211108_1622_gta2cs_daformer_s0_7f24c/20211108_164105.log for
more information such as the class-wise IoU.

Similarly, also other models can be tested after the training has finished:

sh test.sh path/to/checkpoint_directory

Framework Structure

This project is based on mmsegmentation version 0.16.0.
For more information about the framework structure and the config system,
please refer to the mmsegmentation documentation
and the mmcv documentation.

The most relevant files for DAFormer are:


This project is based on the following open-source projects. We thank their
authors for making the source code publically available.


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