
Dayong is dedicated to helping Discord servers build and manage their communities.

  • Multipurpose —lots of features, lots of automation.
  • Self-hosted and easy to deploy —just a few more steps to take.
  • Free and open-source —tinker with it, and feel free to contribute to its improvement!
  • Modular —easily add extensions and features.
  • Written in Python —beautiful syntax and supports rapid development.


Download the source code:

git clone

Bot Account Setup

Follow the instructions here:

Project Setup

  1. Go to the project root directory.

    cd Dayong
  2. Create a copy of .env.example. Don’t forget to omit the .example at the end.

    On Linux and Unix

    cp .env.example .env

    On Windows

    copy .env.example .env
  3. Edit the .env file and add your credentials to the corresponding variables.

  4. Install poetry. Check if poetry is installed by running poetry --version.

  5. Run poetry shell. This will create or start the virtual environment.

  6. Run poetry install. This will install the project and its dependencies.


  1. From the project root directory, run:

    python dayong
  2. Open your Discord application. Go to the server where you invited the bot and run [your command prefix]help. For instance: .help or !help. The dot prefix is the default.

Welcome Message for New Member

  1. Modify the welcome message by changing the value(s) of the following in Dayong\dayong\embeddings.json.
    <div class="snippet-clipboard-content position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content=""greetings_channel":"",
    "readme_channel_id": ,
    "description": "",

    "greetings_field": {
    "": {
    "name": "field’s name"
    "value": "field’s value"
    , …

    "greetings_channel":"<channel name where the greetings will be prompted>",
    "readme_channel_id": <id of the channel you want to tag>,
    "description": "<your greetings>",
    "color": <integer value of the color you want to use>
    "greetings_field": {
        "<n>": {
            "name": "field's name"
            "value": "field's value"
        , ...