Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning (ICCV 2021)

[arXiv][Project page >> coming soon]

Sanath Narayan*, Akshita Gupta*, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Ling Shao, Mubarak Shah

denotes equal contribution)


The codebase is built on PyTorch 1.1.0 and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 environment (Python3.6, CUDA9.0, cuDNN7.5).

For installing, follow these intructions

conda create -n mlzsl python=3.6
conda activate mlzsl
conda install pytorch=1.1 torchvision=0.3 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
pip install matplotlib scikit-image scikit-learn opencv-python yacs joblib natsort h5py tqdm pandas

Install warmup scheduler

cd pytorch-gradual-warmup-lr; python install; cd ..

Attention Visualization


Our approach on NUS-WIDE Dataset.

Our approach on OpenImages Dataset.

Training and Evaluation


Step 1: Data preparation

  1. Download pre-computed features from here and store them at features folder inside BiAM/datasets/NUS-WIDE directory.
  2. [Optional] You can extract the features on your own by using the original NUS-WIDE dataset from here and run the below script:

python feature_extraction/

Step 2: Training from scratch

To train and evaluate multi-label zero-shot learning model on full NUS-WIDE dataset, please run:

sh scripts/

Step 3: Evaluation using pretrained weights

To evaluate the multi-label zero-shot model on NUS-WIDE. You can download the pretrained weights from here and store them at NUS-WIDE folder inside pretrained_weights directory.

sh scripts/


Step 1: Data preparation

  1. Please download the annotations for training, validation, and testing into this folder.

  2. Store the annotations inside BiAM/datasets/OpenImages.

  3. To extract the features for OpenImages-v4 dataset run the below scripts for crawling the images and extracting features of them:

## Crawl the images from web
python ./datasets/OpenImages/  #`data_set` == `train`: download images into `./image_data/train/`
python ./datasets/OpenImages/  #`data_set` == `validation`: download images into `./image_data/validation/`
python ./datasets/OpenImages/  #`data_set` == `test`: download images into `./image_data/test/`

## Run feature extraction codes for all the 3 splits
python feature_extraction/
python feature_extraction/
python feature_extraction/

Step 2: Training from scratch

To train and evaluate multi-label zero-shot learning model on full OpenImages-v4 dataset, please run:

sh scripts/
sh scripts/

Step 3: Evaluation using pretrained weights

To evaluate the multi-label zero-shot model on OpenImages. You can download the pretrained weights from here and store them at OPENIMAGES folder inside pretrained_weights directory.

sh scripts/


This repository is released under the Apache 2.0 license as found in the LICENSE file.


If you find this repository useful, please consider giving a star

and citation

title={Discriminative Region-based Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning},
author={Narayan, Sanath and Gupta, Akshita and Khan, Salman and  Khan, Fahad Shahbaz and Shao, Ling and Shah, Mubarak},
journal={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
publisher = {IEEE},


Should you have any question, please contact
[email protected]
