Django Boilerplate

Made with Docker, Nginx, Gunicorn and PostgreSQL

For myself and anyone like me who always screws up something when setting up a new Django project.

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☝️ This is what you’ll see once everything is working ?


  • Use for development and production environments.
  • Local PostgreSQL database for development or connect to a remote test database.
  • Runs with Gunicorn as its WSGI application server
  • Nginx configured for serving the Django server and static files.
  • Ready to play immediately – Templates are enabled.


For development environment follow these steps:
  1. Make sure you have docker-compose installed.
  2. In the root directory (the one with docker-compose), run docker-compose build
  3. Followed by docker-compose up
  4. To stop the services press ctrl + c or docker-compose stop in another terminal.
For production environment follow these:
  1. Make sure you have docker-compose installed.
  2. Fill in the .prod.env file with information regarding your database.
  3. In the root directory (the one with docker-compose), run docker-compose -f build
  4. Followed by docker-compose -f up
  5. To stop the services press ctrl + c or docker-compose stop in another terminal.


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