
dotfilery, configuration, environment settings, automation, etc.


If you want to kick the tires, you can simply:

curl -fsSL | /usr/bin/env zsh

The install script will install things and symlink the appropriate files in
~/.dotfiles to your home directory (~). Everything is configured and tweaked
within ~/.dotfiles, though. The majority of files and folders get stowed in
to your $HOME, or to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

I have tried to be platform agnostic, but the majority of scripts that run here
are for macOS (specifically Big Sur at the time of this edit), with a handful of
debian/ubuntu linux specific platform scripts and
provisions. This means that certain tools/binaries I rely on may or may not
install/configure on linux. Though, I have tested it decently well on an
Ubuntu-based Linode instance.

I highly recommend you dig into the scripts and configs to see what all
is going on (because it does a lot that I'm not describing here) before you
install a stranger's shell scripts all willy-nilly, throwing caution to the
wind. ?


A few of the must-have tools I roll with:


The file hierarchy:

  • bin/: Anything in bin/ will get added to your $PATH and be made
    available everywhere.
  • Everything else is handled by custom installers based upon the current
    platform; otherwise, stow handles the rest (clean and easy symlinking).


Use ~/.localrc as your location for sensitive information. Optionally, you
can let bin/_dotup handle the cloning of your private repo to
~/.dotfiles/private, which will execute an install script, assuming it's
located at ~/.dotfiles/private/

NOTE: You'll want to be sure to setup an SSH key for github access to this repo and likely to your private repo too:

Also helpful:

